Whether you are in town for a vacation or a business trip, there are plenty of Guadalajara vacation rentals such as condominiums, apartments and even single rooms to choose from.
Guadalajara is a wonderful city with a proud culture, lovely architecture, great food, lots of shopping spots and fun attractions.
Finding a good rental all depends on you and what your personal tastes are. The whole vacation rental experience can actually be quite fun!
You will have more opportunities to live like real Mexicans do, shop for your groceries and perhaps get to know some of your local neighbors and neighborhood.
To find your rental you will need to ask yourself what kind of accommodations you would like such as:
Do you want wireless access?
Do you need it to have all furnishings, couch, bed, dishes, etc.
Does its location matter?
Do you need the kitchen fully stocked? (Fridge, micro, stove, dishes, etc)
Would you prefer a luxury rental?
Many Guadalajara vacation rental owners try their best to make sure you are comfortable and will want to come back! It is important to realize, however, that you might also pay extra for comfort and these "little perks," such as wireless access.
There are also single room rentals if you are trying to save money. These rooms are usually equipped with a bed, television and maybe a bathroom. You might also have to share the home with other people, so keep that in mind.
There are actually some very fair deals and bare minimum rental homes but just remember that if it is fairly inexpensive it might mean you will lack certain perks such as a washer/dryer, it might not be centrally located, may not have a water cooler ( remember that it is not advised to drink tap water in Mexico).
Many Guadalajara vacation rentals might not have air conditioning. Many of the people who live there are quite used to it and feel find without a/c. The weather is very comfortable and usually pleasant all year round.
If you think that this will be a problem then you will need to make some adjustments when searching.
It is also extremely important to always have a way to reach the owner of your rental. You never know when a pipe might bust!
Always ask questions if you are not sure what your rental comes with! You will eliminate unwanted surprises and have a great, carefree vacation this way. - 30313
Guadalajara is a wonderful city with a proud culture, lovely architecture, great food, lots of shopping spots and fun attractions.
Finding a good rental all depends on you and what your personal tastes are. The whole vacation rental experience can actually be quite fun!
You will have more opportunities to live like real Mexicans do, shop for your groceries and perhaps get to know some of your local neighbors and neighborhood.
To find your rental you will need to ask yourself what kind of accommodations you would like such as:
Do you want wireless access?
Do you need it to have all furnishings, couch, bed, dishes, etc.
Does its location matter?
Do you need the kitchen fully stocked? (Fridge, micro, stove, dishes, etc)
Would you prefer a luxury rental?
Many Guadalajara vacation rental owners try their best to make sure you are comfortable and will want to come back! It is important to realize, however, that you might also pay extra for comfort and these "little perks," such as wireless access.
There are also single room rentals if you are trying to save money. These rooms are usually equipped with a bed, television and maybe a bathroom. You might also have to share the home with other people, so keep that in mind.
There are actually some very fair deals and bare minimum rental homes but just remember that if it is fairly inexpensive it might mean you will lack certain perks such as a washer/dryer, it might not be centrally located, may not have a water cooler ( remember that it is not advised to drink tap water in Mexico).
Many Guadalajara vacation rentals might not have air conditioning. Many of the people who live there are quite used to it and feel find without a/c. The weather is very comfortable and usually pleasant all year round.
If you think that this will be a problem then you will need to make some adjustments when searching.
It is also extremely important to always have a way to reach the owner of your rental. You never know when a pipe might bust!
Always ask questions if you are not sure what your rental comes with! You will eliminate unwanted surprises and have a great, carefree vacation this way. - 30313
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Are you looking for Guadalajara apartments and top Guadalajara hotels for your Guadalajara vacation? Find the top spots from visitors like you.